Hi, it's Connor!

Just another kid (student) from Akron (Atlanta) chasing
his dreams of being in the NBA (graduating college).

Hi again, my name is Connor Li. I'm currently a student @ Columbia University studying Mathematics and Computer Science. You're probably thinking: "Wow, that sounds hard." Well, sadly it is. But like every great Li in my li-neage (last name pun), I'm always down for a challenge. Anyway, great to meet you - stay for a while!

My Interests

If you've ever watched the "Sound of Music," then you'll know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, watch the movie now! Anyway, these are some of my favorite things (--referencing a song from the movie linked here--):

  • Write all the code
  • Do the maths
  • Teach the kids
  • Trying new foods
  • Getting Swole
  • Petting dogs

(Shameless Plug!) Please check out my math+CS website linked here

A Few Accomplishments

I don't usually like talking about my professional life, but I probably should in this section (after all...it's called "a few accomplishments"). But to make it more fun, I'll include my favorite images of capybaras as accompaniment to the descriptions. Anyway, if you aren't interested, click here for a quick rundown of my professional experience (resume).

Past Work Experience.

In terms of professional experience, I've worked at Jane Street, TikTok, IRT Lab @ Columbia, Columbia Math Department, The Knot Worldwide, and the Asian American Bar Association of New York. If you want to know more, please feel free to reach out...would love to chat :)


Currently, I am a Teaching Assistant for the Columbia University Math Department. Outside of school, I run my own tutoring business and volunteer as part of a Columbia tutoring organization. If you couldn't tell, I like math.

Community Service.

I'm involved with a couple of community service organizations around the New York/Atlanta area related to food inequality, education, debate, and STEM! Please let me know if you would like to donate/get involved. Check out Columbia Youth for Debate and Matriculate for more information!

Contact Me

If you want to connect, please follow me on my socials and drop a message below :) If you are having trouble deciding what to say, my favorite conversation starters are related to Cold Palmer, Brawl Stars, dinosaurs, sharks, and the food (extra points if you drop your Beli)